Thursday, May 05, 2005

Friday May 6

Now I have proof I'm not losing my mind.
I thought I already wrote this post once (last Friday) but for some reason it appears to have disappeared from the page but when I went to re-write it the subject "Friday May 6" was already in my Title drop down box thus proving it had already been used. Now I don't know how it managed to vanish but basicaly it outlined the choices for this week, but in a much wittier way than this rushed post. =)

3 movie choices for tomorrow, in no particular order:

Horror: House of Wax @ 11:00
Epic Adventure: Kingdom of Heaven @ 10:15
Drama: Crash @ 10:25 (currently the only one with a 60+ score)

(all times are for SKC)

So place your votes ASAP!


Blogger Bic said...

My vote is for Crash although I could see either of the other two.

And Kung Fu Hustle is NOT an option!

May 05, 2005 1:28 p.m.  
Blogger Christian McPherson said...

My vote is for "Kingdom of Heaven."
Would love to see Crash, but I think the wife would like to go.
"Kung Fu Hustle" is still an option!
- Hugs and Kisses, MacDADDY

May 05, 2005 1:57 p.m.  
Blogger Bic said...

As both of the current front runners are within 10 mins of each other I guess we can just get to SKC tomorrow by 10:00 and decide the final choice there.

May 05, 2005 4:56 p.m.  

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