Monday, February 28, 2005

Friday March 4th ..... (Updated)

The votes are in and as expected the movie for this week is:

Be Cool

Was there ever any doubt?

Time: 10:45
Place: SKC

Although MacDaddy is threatening to sneak off to The Jacket's 10:50 showing.


Blogger Christian McPherson said...

There always was some doubt.
Now looking at Rotten Tomatoes, I think we should hit "The Jacket."

March 03, 2005 8:30 a.m.  
Blogger Christian McPherson said...

Since there is only 5 minutes between show times, I might hit the other theatre.

March 03, 2005 11:22 a.m.  
Blogger Bic said...

In what can only be considered a sign from above, MacDaddy fell sick on friday and couldn't go to either movie.

Fear the power of the "FMMC"!

March 07, 2005 2:39 p.m.  

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